
Showing posts from March, 2023

Work – Life Balance, Step 6 – Define Work Hours

  Work – Life Balance, Step 6 – Define Work Hours Famous Sufi saint Kabir said,”Ati ka bhala na bolna ati ki bhali na chup, ati ka bhala na barasana ati ki bhali na dhoop”, which means excess of anything is not good and the same applies for work also as has been quoted by Stanley Kubrick,”All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. The importance of these sayings has been highlighted in the recently published report of International Labour Organization on “Working Time and Work – Life Balance Around the World” and the key finding of the report suggest, “the need to promote reduced hours of work and other flexible working time arrangements such as flexi time and telework, more widely; these types of policies would help to improve work-life balance and thereby benefit both workers and employees”. Some of the facts about the work are: I-                Work is ongoing process. Only assignments are completed. II-              Nature of work goes under transformation with the passa

Work-Life Balance, Step 5- Energy Cycle

  Work – Life Balance, Step 5- Energy Cycle Scientist Julius R Mayer discovered the Law of Conservation of Energy and now popularly known as First Law of Thermodynamics, which says, “Energy is neither created nor destroyed”. So energy must be put to better uses for maximizing the productivity and efficiency. Similarly human body also has the natural cycle of energy levels, which not only keeps on changing with physical, educational, emotional and psychological changes in the body and mind but also during the day based on the biological body clock. These daily changes in energy cycles release, what is known as Energy Bursts, which are the most creative, efficient and productive phases for individuals because of high energy levels. Triggers, frequencies and durations for these energy bursts vary from individual to individual. The individual creativity, performance and productivity can be substantially improved through effective management of energy cycles and energy bursts. Apart fro

Creativity and Innovation

Modern Day Banking Crisis

Work –Life Balance, Step - 4 Prioritize

Work –Life Balance, Step - 4 Prioritize Prioritization is one of the most prominent skills for achieving better results from individual and team efforts by focusing the energy and attention on synergies of actions and these actions require resources. The allocation of resources among competing is based on what is known as opportunity cost in the economics, as these actions and resources can be put to alternate use and this alternate use of economic or human resources is the crux of prioritization.   Life always offers options for choices, which are sometimes competing in nature while complementary at other occasions and also conflicting at times. These choices have to be sequentially and simultaneously because of their nature or resource constraint.  Prioritization is the first requirement for optimization of available resources, which can be put to multiple uses and the same holds good for work – life balance too. The canvas of life is much larger beyond the economic aspect covering p

Work - Life Balance, Step - 3 Values

  Work - Life Balance, Step - 3 Values Values are like lighthouses guiding in the right direction in the midst of uncertainty as these values convert into belief system, which become the thoughts and ultimately culminating into ground actions. Non-alignment of values, beliefs, thoughts and actions create disconnect, inconsistency and unpredictability in the individual behavior patterns leading to random responses originating from such conflicting scensrios. This has been beautifully described by famous Urdu Poet Prof Waseem Barelvi as “Usoolon pe jahaan aanch aaye takarana jaroori hai, jo jinda ho to phir nazar aana zaroori hai” which translates into English as “It is necessary to clash for values and those who are alive need to look alive”. One of the recent examples of value based decision has been taken by Ms Aruna Vijay, a Master Chef India 2023 contestant, who refused to use egg in her culinary preparations because of her vegetarian value system. She wrote, “You never run behind

Work – Life Balance, Step - 2 Principle

                                 Work – Life Balance, Step - 2 Principle Every creature of this universe has his own role to play in the overall scheme of things, which has been beautifully described by famous play writer W. Shakespeare as “All the world’s a stage” in his famous play “As You Like It”. Co-incidentally, it sounds like the concept of re-birth an enshrined in Hindu Scriptures based on our karmic cycles, though one can alter or modify his karmic baggage through new karmas. This leads us to Step 2 of work-life balance, which is based on Principle. No doubt, work-life balance is highly personal for every individual, which undergoes gradual and sometimes disruptive transformation with changing times and personal preferences, therefore the common denominator has to be evolved based on acceptable “Principle”. The organizations, being the perpetual entity, are being run by the individuals in various capacities of entrepreneurs, promoters, equity investors, management, employees

Work - Life Balance, Step 1- PERSONAL

  Work – Life Balance, Step – One Personal Human Resource Management is gaining increasing traction in the recent past due to changing socio-economic perspective after Covid-19 pandemic. The changing economic dimensions of the developing and underdeveloped economies have added newer dimensions to the complex issue of workforce management. Various restrictions on travel and trade due to lock downs, loss of jobs and shrinking of economies in the first two years of pandemic have added complexity to the already complex issue of work life balance. The work life balance has differing dimensions for organizations and employees, which are also dynamic in nature. Organizational complexities involve different layers of work force (top management to operating lower level employees), different work profiles (production, marketing, sales, personnel, finance and administration etc.), job requirement (full time, part time and contract etc.) geographical diversity, operational requirements (twenty