Work –Life Balance, Step - 4 Prioritize

Work –Life Balance, Step - 4 Prioritize

Prioritization is one of the most prominent skills for achieving better results from individual and team efforts by focusing the energy and attention on synergies of actions and these actions require resources. The allocation of resources among competing is based on what is known as opportunity cost in the economics, as these actions and resources can be put to alternate use and this alternate use of economic or human resources is the crux of prioritization.  

Life always offers options for choices, which are sometimes competing in nature while complementary at other occasions and also conflicting at times. These choices have to be sequentially and simultaneously because of their nature or resource constraint.  Prioritization is the first requirement for optimization of available resources, which can be put to multiple uses and the same holds good for work – life balance too. The canvas of life is much larger beyond the economic aspect covering personal, emotional, social, physical and metaphysical dimensions of individual and community life, therefore requiring higher order prioritization.

The operational perspective of work-life balance is often misunderstood as prioritization of life in personal and professional domains, whereas work-life balance is a much wider a concept, assimilating inter and intra personal and professional dimensions. Therefore first priority is to separate personal and professional dimensions of life. This involves understanding yourself, your need to work and priorities of life and allocate time and resources accordingly as allocation of time and resources always involves tradeoffs.

There are various models followed by management practitioners, I have developed my own models, which are:

A-   Disposal Model

B-   Impact Model

A-Disposal Model: This model basically deals with disposal from the time perspective across personal and professional life. More than seventy five percent matters can be disposed of in one go on the very first appearance. The timely and quality disposal of these matters reduce the pendency significantly and provides sufficient time of important and strategic decisions.


The above disposal model is basically for senior and top level functionaries, which can be modified for junior and middle level management with more time and resources in lower two buckets of activities i.e. routine & low resource use and important & resource intensive.

B-Impact Model: This model is for especially for higher order organizational requirement involving high stakes on organizational and individual levels. This involves delegation, monitoring, supervision and informed decision making. This can be explained by 2*2 matrix, as under:


      Impact       High                       Impact Model

Low (T&R) and High Impact- Cash Cow

Invest for Growth and Close Supervision

Delegate to Senior Management

High (T&R) and High Impact –Growth Potential & Strategic Importance

Top Priority of Top Management


Low (T&R) and

Low Impact

Delegate to Junior Management


High (T&R) and

Low Impact

Monitor for Impact Enhancement

Delegate to Middle Management

                       Low                Time & Resources         (T&R)                     High

These models work in individual as well as organizational contexts. One has to fine tune the requirements to align with one’s realities of life.

This leads us to Work-Life Balance, Step - 4 PRIORITIZE.



  1. Sir, very precious article for we professionals! The complete article is missing that would be very useful for us to read and emulate it in our life


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