Work-Life Balance, Step 5- Energy Cycle


Work – Life Balance, Step 5- Energy Cycle

Scientist Julius R Mayer discovered the Law of Conservation of Energy and now popularly known as First Law of Thermodynamics, which says, “Energy is neither created nor destroyed”. So energy must be put to better uses for maximizing the productivity and efficiency. Similarly human body also has the natural cycle of energy levels, which not only keeps on changing with physical, educational, emotional and psychological changes in the body and mind but also during the day based on the biological body clock. These daily changes in energy cycles release, what is known as Energy Bursts, which are the most creative, efficient and productive phases for individuals because of high energy levels. Triggers, frequencies and durations for these energy bursts vary from individual to individual. The individual creativity, performance and productivity can be substantially improved through effective management of energy cycles and energy bursts.

Apart from managing the energy cycles and energy bursts, one should also focus on energy drainers. Energy drainers can by emotional estrangement, mental thought process, physical clutters & surroundings and psychological perception etc., which affect the creativity, performance and productivity negatively. One should avoid strategic or important decision making during such phases of energy cycles rather should better take 15 to 20 minutes break for mood enhancing activities such as short walk, tea / coffee, light music, laughter, meditation or any other hobby such as singing, painting, writing, drawing a cartoon etc. for minimizing such phases of energy drains.

Pay attention to your body for realizing and capitalizing on these energy cycles for maximizing the productivity as the body throws subtle signs. These energy cycles can best be utilized in flexible working hours or work from home, which is gaining traction with ever increasing middle class through expansion of services sector. Thus managing your body clock and phases of energy bursts & energy drains will go a long way in improving the creativity, performance and productivity of the individuals both qualitatively and quantitatively with shorter working hours.

Thus, proactively managing the body clock will generate better working synergies leading to improved Work-Life Balance Step 5- ENERGY CYCLE.



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