Work - Life Balance, Step - 3 Values


Work - Life Balance, Step - 3 Values

Values are like lighthouses guiding in the right direction in the midst of uncertainty as these values convert into belief system, which become the thoughts and ultimately culminating into ground actions. Non-alignment of values, beliefs, thoughts and actions create disconnect, inconsistency and unpredictability in the individual behavior patterns leading to random responses originating from such conflicting scensrios. This has been beautifully described by famous Urdu Poet Prof Waseem Barelvi as “Usoolon pe jahaan aanch aaye takarana jaroori hai, jo jinda ho to phir nazar aana zaroori hai” which translates into English as “It is necessary to clash for values and those who are alive need to look alive”. One of the recent examples of value based decision has been taken by Ms Aruna Vijay, a Master Chef India 2023 contestant, who refused to use egg in her culinary preparations because of her vegetarian value system. She wrote, “You never run behind success leaving your principles, let success follow you respecting your values”.   

Value system in itself is a dynamic concept, which keeps on changing based on various internal and external influences, exposures and learnings. Once these changes are internalized, they become part of the value system. Nobody has any right to comment on the merits or demerits of other’s value system as they are innate part of one’s personality. The superimposed values for fear, greed or conveniences always disrupt the value system thereby creating the disequilibrium in the value system adversely impacting the performance qualitatively and quantitatively.  The value system reflects on what’s important, essential, ethical and non-negotiable and impacts the performance of the individuals.

The organizations also have their own value systems, which are broadly codified in their organizational culture and simultaneously operate at different levels in the complex, large and varied organizations. This organizational culture plays a significant role in promoting the work-life balance based on core values of individuality, creativity, competition, cooperation, collaboration, compassion, integrity, gratitude, respect, responsibility and transparency for achieving happiness, productivity, satisfaction and well – being at the workplace. Organizational value systems are objective and codified to a large extent whereas individual value systems are basically subjective and abstract.  

When value systems of the organizations and individuals are in harmony, it leads to positive impact on creativity, engagement and productivity and vice-versa if value systems reflect disharmony or inconsistency. This disharmony creates psychological estrangement and also leads to fragmented personalities which can never deliver the optimum performance either individually or collectively. The good organizations, therefore have adopted of the conscious policy of indoctrinating the young recruits to the organizational work culture and value system for better assimilative process.

To sum-up, somebody has rightly said that Work – Life Balance is about being in integrity with your values systems and the roles and responsibilities you choose to take on for your personal, professional and social progression. This takes us to the third step of Work – Life Balance, which is VALUE.


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