Work – Life Balance, Step - 2 Principle


                               Work – Life Balance, Step - 2 Principle

Every creature of this universe has his own role to play in the overall scheme of things, which has been beautifully described by famous play writer W. Shakespeare as “All the world’s a stage” in his famous play “As You Like It”. Co-incidentally, it sounds like the concept of re-birth an enshrined in Hindu Scriptures based on our karmic cycles, though one can alter or modify his karmic baggage through new karmas. This leads us to Step 2 of work-life balance, which is based on Principle.

No doubt, work-life balance is highly personal for every individual, which undergoes gradual and sometimes disruptive transformation with changing times and personal preferences, therefore the common denominator has to be evolved based on acceptable “Principle”. The organizations, being the perpetual entity, are being run by the individuals in various capacities of entrepreneurs, promoters, equity investors, management, employees and external stakeholders. The relationship with all these internal and external stakeholders can further be drilled down among internal and external stakeholders among themselves. The relationships among internal stakeholders are governed by the tacit and codified organizational hierarchy and span of control, whereas external stakeholders derive their working relationships from mutual agreements, contracts and rule of the land. 

Famous “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs”, published in the paper titled as “A Theory of Human Motivation” by American psychologist Abraham Maslow, provides the basic foundation for motivation across economic, geographic and social contours. These needs are grouped in five different buckets of physiological, safety, social – love & belongingness, esteem and self-actualization, which provide the underlying driving force at different stages of individual’s life as they progress in their life cycle from lower order to higher order needs i.e. vertical movements and also in horizontal movements occasionally. This classification starts from very basic needs, which may already be fulfilled for majority of working population, therefore they start from higher order needs depending on their present and prospective requirements. These differentiated needs are not mutually exclusive but overlapping in nature too.

In the present knowledge driven era, the relationships are normally organizationally and legally codified through tacit and codified knowledge base, which provide the blueprint for the inter personal, inter organizational relationships in personal, social and organizational space of things. With the expanding working horizons in the form of global work force movement, remote working and work from home have metamorphosed the employer employee relationship, which is the cornerstone of work-life balance.

So, the question arises about the Principle of Work-Life Balance in the competition driven environment, which I define as Principle of “Reciprocity” in all walks of life. Furthermore no relationship will be orderly and last long without reciprocity with exceptions of lineage, conjugal and divine. Thus, this principle is the delicate tradeoff between work and life derived from mutually beneficial relationship for the greater good and serves as the cornerstone for Work-Life Balance Step 2 RECIPROCITY.


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