Work – Life Balance, Step 6 – Define Work Hours


Work – Life Balance, Step 6 – Define Work Hours

Famous Sufi saint Kabir said,”Ati ka bhala na bolna ati ki bhali na chup, ati ka bhala na barasana ati ki bhali na dhoop”, which means excess of anything is not good and the same applies for work also as has been quoted by Stanley Kubrick,”All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. The importance of these sayings has been highlighted in the recently published report of International Labour Organization on “Working Time and Work – Life Balance Around the World” and the key finding of the report suggest, “the need to promote reduced hours of work and other flexible working time arrangements such as flexi time and telework, more widely; these types of policies would help to improve work-life balance and thereby benefit both workers and employees”.

Some of the facts about the work are:

I-               Work is ongoing process. Only assignments are completed.

II-             Nature of work goes under transformation with the passage of time due to innovations, hence skill yourself to remain productive.

III-           Interest of the organization is important, so is the employee’s.

IV-           Life is much more than work and office.

V-            Organizations pay for your performance. When you fall in life only family and friends extend helping hand, so have time for them.

VI-           Regular late working is not a parameter of efficiency rather a sign of mis-management, inefficiency or incompetence.

Therefore, some of the suggestive measures can be:

I-               Be punctual and professional

II-             Prioritize and focus on deliveries

III-           Delegate and monitor

IV-           Accept and honour deadlines

V-            Take initiatives, anticipate needs and up skill yourself and the team

VI-           Communicate clearly, effectively and timely

These are some of the measures through which one can effectively manage the work place efficiently. Howsoever is the work load and work pressure, one has to set a distinct end to work day otherwise one feels having stuck in work despite have stopped the work for the day. 

Naama Zusman, a health and career coach, recommends to practice transition ritual as end of the work day. Transition ritual can be brief or elaborate and may include:

I-               Put papers, pen and office laptop in the drawer

II-             Switch off Office phone

III-           Have short walk or light sports

IV-           Have shower and change clothes

V-            Have tea or coffee

VI-           Cuddling with children

Cutting off from your routine office engagement provides the relaxation to mind and body. This relaxation is genuinely required for rejuvenating the mind and body driving to Work – Life Balance Step 6- Define Work Hours.


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