UBUNTU and Corona Pandemic - Unique Lasting Lesson


UBUNTU and Corona Pandemic – Unique Lasting Lesson

S.B.Singh, Chairman Aryavart Bank & General Manager Bank of India

Ubuntu is a socio philosophical concept derived from African culture of oneness. The guiding philosophy of this culture is, “I am because we are” thereby focusing on the social living based on the foundations of mutual sharing and caring. A simple anthropological study has eloquently described the beauty of this culture, which goes as: An Anthropologist arranged a game for African tribal children and placed a basket of sweets at a distance of hundred meters from the children. The anthropologist announced that all sweets will be given to the child who runs fast and reaches the sweets first. He commanded ready, steady and go. The response of the children was unexpected for the researcher. What children did was unique? They held the hands of each other and ran together towards the sweets, divided the sweets equally among themselves and enjoyed the prize collectively. The researcher asked them, why they did so. They replied “UBUNTU”. UBUNTU in their language means, “How can one be happy when others are sad” and derives the strength from their guiding social philosophy which believes in harmonious co-existence. The term has been widely known outside Southern Africa after Nelson Mandela became the President of South Africa in 1994. UBUNTU philosophy has influence on the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission commonly known as TRC, which was chaired by Desmond Tutu and UBUNTU philosophy has been popularized in English language readers as UBUNTU Theology of Desmond Tutu.  

The present day global crisis is Covid 19 pandemic, relegating the priority of all other issues, has attracted attention of global leaders, scientists and general populace which the mankind is currently facing. The scientists and the medical fraternity are burning mid night oil in finding the medical solution to the problem either through medication or vaccination but the passage is not so smooth. The unique lasting lesson lies in UBUNTU philosophy of shared response to meet the challenges we face because “a person is a person through other person” and the source of our existence. This does not mean that individuals should not address themselves but addressing ourselves we must enable the community around us to improve, which is the acid test of UBUNTU philosophy at the societal level. This reminds me of the basic principle of economics which professes to follow self-interest for the harmonious growth of the society but abstain from selfish interest which is cause of exploitation and social disharmony.

The race for individualism, freedom and materialism has adversely impacted the social and environmental balance of co-existence but has given materialistic achievements to the society. The global pandemic crisis of Covid 19 is in some way the product of unbridled exploitation of social, natural and environmental resources demanding the adoption of the principles of harmonious co-existence in the interest of the greater good of the society. Therefore, time has come for honouring and following the advisories for effectively fighting with the challenge in the collaborative and integrated manner. The imposed restrictions on individuals are for the higher social good and are going to benefit all of us in the long run by small sacrifices of today. So let’s adopt the UBUNTU philosophy of living through other person and follow the basic principle of community living “I am because we are” for better future.

(The views are personal views of the writer.)



  1. The timeless teachings of Hindu Scriptures focus on the harmonious coexistence even of nature and environment with humanity.

  2. Very well presented and blends very much with the current global crisis. Our global society does not understand UBUNTU and will take a long time for that collaborative approach to happen. This is my view .........................


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